Share Your Suggested Transit Leaders for State Transportation Commission
October 18, 2024
Share Your Suggested Transit Leaders for State Transportation Commission
The MPTA is seeking suggestions of individuals who can represent the interests of public transit on the Michigan State Transportation Commission. These individuals could be transit professionals, board members, supportive community leaders, or others with some knowledge of and support for Michigan public transit.
The State Transportation Commission (STC) is the policy-making body for all state transportation programs, with responsibility for the development and implementation of comprehensive transportation plans, including aeronautics, bus and rail transit, providing professional and technical assistance, and overseeing the administration of state and federal funds allocated for these programs. The STC has six members appointed by the Governor, and two seats will be open for new appointments. Ideal candidates are political independents with diverse backgrounds, including women and individuals of color.
Here are some more details.
The STC meets quarterly, in-person, at various locations around the state. The meetings are each about 1.5 - 2 hours in length. There are somewhat limited responsibilities and time demands outside of those meetings.
The Governor's transportation advisor said that this is an opportunity for new STC members who have the time and sophistication to build a coalition within the board and move some transit-forward policy within MDOT.
This is the website to submit an application to the Governor's appointments office. The Governor's office simply said that candidates should apply soon.
There is a variety of information requested, some basic, and some a little more involved. If/when you apply, we would also forward your resume, bio details, a letter of recommendation, etc. to the Governor's office for them to review and highlight internally, as they may wish.To be clear, appointments like this are political - and the Governor's office does have certain demographics and traits they favor. Since they actively requested a transit representative on the STC, this remains a good opportunity and we appreciate any transit leaders who step forward to be considered, and we will push for you to be selected. But it's ultimately up to them.
For any questions or to suggest a candidate, please contact John at or 517-930-0008.