Notice of Funding Availability for Veteran Transportation and Community Living Initiative

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of discretionary Section 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities grant funds in support of the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility*s Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative. This notice of funding availability (NOFA) can be found at

This NOFA is summarized as below:

Eligible Projects:

Projects eligible for funding under the Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative must focus on the implementation of One-Call/One-Click Centers and related transportation coordination. Eligible expenses under the Initiative include capital expenses related to the establishment of a One-Call/One-Click Center. These costs can include: hardware purchases (computers, servers); in-vehicle technology (automatic vehicle location systems, communication devices, mobile data terminals); software (scheduling & dispatching, communications, billing, consumer mobile applications); facility-related capital (purchase, lease, alteration); design and engineering, including consultant costs; and project administration (not to exceed 10% of costs).

Cost Sharing:

Costs will be shared at the following ratio: 80% FTA/20% MDOT/local contribution. MDOT will provide match between 10% and 20%. Applicants are encouraged to provide additional match. If a transit agency wants to provide additional match, it will need to come from local sources. If a transit agency requests MDOT to provide the match with state funds, please apply for the maximum federal share allowable. MDOT cannot guarantee that state funds will be available for match. MDOT will provide matching funds to the degree possible based on the resources available to us at the time grant awards are made. Projects that commit local match rather than dependence on state match will be given priority by MDOT.

Program Purpose:

Building on the success of the FTA Office of United We Ride (UWR) *One Call
Center* model, the Veterans Transportation and Community Living initiative will help communities build or expand local One-Call/One-Click Centers to bring together transportation services available to the general public with those available to customers of human services programs, and especially services for veterans and military families. Coordinating transportation services will promote improved access to community services and employment, and will advance the integration of those with disabilities into their communities.

Project Evaluation Criteria:

Projects will be evaluated by an interagency review team based on the proposals submitted according to: (1) Planning and prioritization at the local/regional level; (2) readiness; (3) technical, legal and financial capacity; and (4) demonstration of need. There are detailed evaluation criteria listed under each of these four categories; the applicant is required to address each of the evaluation criteria separately, demonstrating how the project responds to each criterion.

For details regarding the evaluation criteria, proposal content, and other information regarding this NOFA, see

If you would like to be included in the Michigan Department of Transportations* application for this program, please complete the FTA Supplemental Form (attached). Note the following when completing the Supplemental Form:

select **Other** for project type and indicate **VTCLI One-Call/One-Click Transportation Resource Center Project** in the text box.
use 1207 as the FTA Recipient ID Number if you are a nonurban agency
use the following as the "Timeline Item Description" (via clicking the "Insert Item" button under the "Project Timeline" section):

RFP Issued/Quotes Requested
Contract Award/Vendor Selected
Contract/Project Complete

develop the timeline schedules based upon the assumption that the FTA grant will be awarded for the selected projects by January 2, 2012.

Please complete the Supplemental Form and email it back to your project manager by August 22.

If you have any questions, contact your project manager.
