New Record Ridership

Total ridership on the Macatawa Area Express (MAX) transit system of Holland, MI increased 28.93 percent in December over the same month a year ago with more than 33,902 rides provided last month.

For the third consecutive month, MAX has set an all-time ridership total on its eight fixed routes. Ridership on the fixed routes for the last three months has exceeded 28,500 each month, breaking the last fixed route ridership record of 28,356 set in March 2011.

Annual ridership also was up sharply. MAX saw a 23.3 percent increase in ridership to 420,000 for fiscal year 2011, which ended September 30, 2011. In 2010, MAX experienced an eight percent increase.

The lakeshore transit system expects ridership to reach 450,000 this year. The healthy growth in ridership is a trend that has occurred for the past four straight years since the fixed route service was expanded to eight routes in 2007. MAX’s fixed route ridership now comprises 76 percent of all rides provided, with reserved ride premium service making up just 24 percent.

A decade ago when MAX began operating three fixed routes, three-quarters (75%) of all rides were demand response, a more costly service to operate. MAX officials attribute the ongoing growth in transit use to persistent elevated unemployment, an decrease in household incomes, and rising fuel costs.

“Our passenger survey results from September 2011 indicate that more of our customers are facing declining incomes causing them to rely more on public transit for transportation to trim expenses,” said Sherri Cadeaux, MAX marketing and customer service manager. “Unfortunately, this mirrors the national trend of declining incomes.” MAX passenger surveys indicate 40 percent of MAX passengers ride the bus to get to and from work on a regular basis.

Total ridership on the Macatawa Area Express (MAX)transit system increased 28.93 percent in December over the same month a year agowith more than 33,902 rides provided last month.
