Distracted Drivers? New FTA program aims to help

The Federal Transit Administration has developed a new on-line instructional course for transit workers about the dangers of distracted driving.  You are encouraged to make this course a part of your ongoing distracted driving program or fold it into your existing employee safety and training curriculum.

The 30-minute course, “Curbing Transit Employee Distracted Driving,” was developed by FTA in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation.  It’s an excellent tool to educate, inform, and increase awareness among all transit workers about the dangers and challenges associated with distracted driving.

Safety remains a top priority at FTA and throughout the U.S. Department of Transportation, as well as here in Michigan. Our industry needs to continue building a culture of safety where unsafe acts are not permitted by management or by peers.  Please help to keep public transit as one of the safest transportation choices for the American people by continuing to educate our workforce on this vitally important issue.

Information on how to register is available on the FTA website here.
