Michigan Clean Diesel Initiative

An interesting note from the Michigan Clean Diesel Initiative:

This is to inform you that the Michigan Clean Diesel Initiative (MiCDI), a coalition of government, industry, and nonprofit organizations that have been working on projects to address diesel engine pollution in Michigan, will be holding its Fall meeting on:
Monday, October 5, 2009
at the
Lansing Community College, West Campus
5708 Cornerstone Drive, Lansing, MI 48917
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Many of you have agreed in the past to pass information along to your membership regarding events, projects, activities and most importantly, grant funding opportunities that become available for diesel engine emission improvements.  The Fall meeting will provide those interested members who are transportation providers, with information on upcoming federal funding assistance for diesel engine fleet owners, operators and managers.

Eligible applicants that can apply for grant funding assistance include: regional (county), state, local, or tribal agencies, port authorities, school districts, and non-profit organizations or institutions that provide air quality reduction/education services, or perform transportation or air quality activities.

Eligible projects for grant funding include:

  • Retrofit Technologies (i.e. oxidation catalysts and particulate matter filters);
  • Idle Reduction Technologies (i.e. auxiliary power units, aerodynamic hoods and generator sets);
  • Cleaner Fuel Use (i.e. cost differential associated with biodiesel substitution); Engine Repowers (i.e. replacement with new or cleaner engine and scrappage of an old engine); The installation of engine upgrades kits;
  • and Vehicle and Equipment Replacements

for the following types of diesel engine equipment or vehicles:

  • Medium or heavy duty trucks;
  • Municipal or school buses;
  • Construction and mining equipment and vehicles;
  • Agricultural equipment;
  • Port operation and cargo handling equipment;
  • Generator sets used for utility generation.

I encourage you to pass on this very valuable meeting information along to your members.  For your convenience, I have attached a short article that can be used in your next membership e-mail distribution or newsletter during the month of September.  As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or give me a call at the telephone number below.

Thank you for helping us get the word out about this resource to improve our state’s overall air quality!

Donna Davis, Manager

Clean Corporate Citizen Program
State Clean Diesel Program
Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 30457
525 W. Allegan St.
Lansing, MI  48909
(517) 335-2784
(517) 241-0858 (FAX)
