Small Bus Roadeo Wrap-Up


Editor's Note: To see photos from the Roadeo, please go to the MDOT Web site at:, then News and Information, Event Photos.

CONTACT: Janet Foran, MDOT Office of Communications, 517-335-7176

Top bus drivers named in 34th Annual Small Bus Roadeo safety and skills competition

November 2, 2009 -- Nearly 50 bus drivers from 17 transit systems statewide competed in the 34th Annual Small Bus Roadeo held at the Mt. Pleasant Comfort Inn & Suites Hotel on Friday, Oct. 30.

Drivers competed in Roadeo events designed to test the skills and knowledge of Michigan public transit bus drivers.

"This statewide competition encourages safe driving habits and professionalism behind the wheel," said State Transportation Director Kirk T. Steudle. "There are more than 3,600 buses out on Michigan streets daily and the drivers who transport the state's 102 million passengers deserve our appreciation." Oct. 30 was "Public Transit Bus Driver Day" in the State of Michigan, as proclaimed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

First-place honors in individual competition went to Ken Zelenka of Clinton Area Transit System, who is the repeat Transit Driver of the Year winner from 2008. Al Diana of Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) in Lansing won second place in individual competition, while third place went to Deanna Hughes of the Gladwin City/County Transit. Drivers competed for points based on: a written test, their driving skills, an obstacle course that evaluates their knowledge of road and transit vehicles, a test to load and unload a wheelchair passenger, and a pre-trip vehicle inspection.

The three top individual winners are eligible to complete in the national competition in Long Beach, Calif., in May 2010 at the Community Transportation of America Annual National Bus Roadeo held during its annual Expo.

First place in team competition went to Clinton Area Transit System, with drivers Ken Zelenka, Dan Miller and Rick Hopkins (Clinton Transit also took first place in 2008). Second place went to CATA, with drivers Al Diana, Tammie Reeder and Steve Soliz. Third place went to Gladwin City/County Transit, with drivers Deanna Hughes, Bud Byrd and James Carroll.

The title of "Rookie of the Year" went to Gemille Tuthill of Blue Water Area Transportation in Port Huron. The highest driving score was recorded by Ken Zelenka, and the driver with the highest score on the written test was Steve Soliz of CATA.

Top winners received cash prizes and trophies donated by the Michigan Public Transit Association. The expenses for the trip to Long Beach to compete in the National Small Bus Roadeo are provided through federal training funds.

Sponsors of the event include the Michigan Public Transit Association, Michigan Association of Transportation Systems, and the Michigan Department of Transportation.

MDOT: Working with our partners at airports, bus systems, marine and rail to find innovative solutions for Michigan's transportation systems.

Janet Foran
Office of Communications
Michigan Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909
office phone: 517-335-7176
cell phone: 517-937-7219
