
Michigan Needs a Complete System

Public Transportation is a Spectrum

Immediate Action Needed!

The Senate could be voting on a transportation funding package as early as Wednesday, July 1. To have your voice considered, call or email your Senator TODAY.

On June 10, the House passed a package that will raise revenue for roads and bridges by taking money from Michigan's economic development programs, imposing higher registration fees for electric and hybrid vehicles, and harming our state's lowest-income working families by eliminating the Earned Income Tax Credit.

With the House package, much of the new revenue would bypass important parts of our complete transportation system such as public transit, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, trails, rail and waterways. This is not a real solution and will not support the 21st century transportation system Michigan needs.

We urge you to contact your Senator today and ask them to create a real fix for transportation. This solution must:

  • Put all new revenue through the full Act 51 formula to fund our complete transportation system.
  • Use sustainable, dedicated funding
  • Raise enough revenue to meet our transportation needs

Click here to find your Senator's contact information.

Sample text:

Dear Senator,

I am writing to urge you to pass a real fix for our complete transportation system. We have spent too much time arguing over how to increase funding for transportation, and in the meantime the transportation crisis continues to grow. Please work in the Senate to create a funding package that resolves this crisis by funding our complete transportation system and putting all new state revenue through the full Act 51 formula.

Funding the complete system is crucial to ensuring a strong future for Michigan. Public transportation, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and trails all support economic development, increases safety, and makes Michigan a place where people want to live, work and play.

Our roads and bridges need repair, but they are just one piece of a larger transportation funding need. Please don't ignore this need as you work on a plan to fund Michigan transportation.

Thank you,

Your Name

Your voice can make a difference!

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Aging in Place

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Transportation provides access to jobs

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