
Grants Management Training in Grand Rapids, MI - September 11-12, 2013

Kent County Sheriff's Department and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grant management workshop in Grand Rapids, September 11-12, 2013. This training is for grant recipient organizations across all disciplines. Attend this class and you'll learn how to administer government grants and stay in compliance with applicable rules and regulations.

Click here for full event details.

Multi-enrollment discounts and discounts for Grant Writing USA returning alumni are available. Tuition payment is not required at the time of enrollment.

Tuition is $595 and includes Grant Writing USA's 400-page grant management workbook and reference guide. Seating is limited, online reservations are necessary.

Complete event details including learning objectives, class location, graduate testimonials and online registration are available here.


The Client Services Team
at Grant Writing USA

Melissa Ponstein
Kent County Sheriff's Department

More than 10,000 agencies across North America have turned to Grant Writing USA for grant writing and grant management training.

Dump The Pump 2013

With the return of high gas prices, the MPTA encourages individuals to join public transportation systems statewide to participate in the seventh annual National Dump the Pump Day on Thursday, June 20. The slogan of this year’s National Dump the Pump Day is “Dump the Pump. Save Money. Ride Transit.”

Sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), the 2013 National Dump the Pump Day is a day that encourages people to ride public transportation and save money, instead of driving a car. Started in June 2006 when gas prices were $3 per gallon, this national day emphasizes that public transportation is a great travel option that also helps people save money.

Since gas prices reached $4 or more this year, saving money is on everyone’s minds and public transportation is the quickest way to beat high gas prices. According to the latest APTA Transit Savings Report, individuals in a two-person household can save an average of more than $9,700 annually by downsizing to one car.

How to participate

  • Ride public transportation on Thursday, June 20 &emdash; and every day
  • Visit to calulcate how much money you can save by riding public transportation
  • Invite other to join you in your quest to Dump the Pump

Bus Rapid Transit Comes to Michigan

Governor Snyder speaks in Grand Rapids at the groundbreaking ceremony for Michigan's first Bus Rapid Transit line.

Watch the video on YouTube

March Madness Trans4M Style

March Madness may be drawing to a close, but Michigan residents can still participate in some friendly competition. Concerned passengers and pedestrians shared their transportation visions with us and now, these videos – over 50 – are available on YouTube for a viewing contest.

WATCH: Creating an integrated transportation system

Watch the Lights, Camera, Transportation YouTube Contest videos and help participating organizations win $1,000. The organization that receives the most collective views on their videos will receive $1,000 toward any transportation initiative of their choice. If any elected official comments on a video, the affiliated organization will automatically receive any additional 500 views added to their total view tally.

Transportation for Michigan (Trans4M), in partnership with organizations across the state, set out to capture Michigander’s transportation stories on film. We want to share these videos with the public and elected officials to help continue Michigan’s transportation dialogue.

It was clear from the 18 community forums Trans4M held throughout the state that the people of Michigan want interconnected transportation systems with active, mass and public transportation options.

WATCH: Michigan needs better public transportation

Participants in the Lights, Camera, Transportation Contest echoed similar sentiments in their video submissions. Help us engage state elected officials with these transportation stories and create a culture of accountability via discussions about these stories on the T4Mstory YouTube Channel.

The competition is heating up: comments and number of views will only be counted until April 18, 2013.

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