The Attack of the Killer Congress

An editorial by Clark Harder, MPTA Executive Director

In Washington, DC Congress has declared open war on public transportation, and on those individuals who either rely upon transit, or choose it in these times of inflated gasoline prices, to get to and from work, doctor’s appointments, school, the grocery, pharmacy and other essential services. Demand for transit rides is rising across Michigan but Congress would have the buses shut down.

Specifically, Republicans are pushing two initiatives that would place in jeopardy the very existence of our public transportation infrastructure across this country, including systems throughout Michigan in both urban and rural communities and counties. These are HB 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, and the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Financing Act Fifth Freedom. By the way, does someone actually get paid to come up with these vague and misleading names? But I digress.

These two initiatives, taken together, would remove several funding sources for public transportation. For 30 years, since championed by President Reagan, public transportation has been funded in part through federal gas taxes. If this legislation passes it will put an end to this guaranteed funding, resulting in transit agencies losing about $25 billion over the next five years.

The bill also would eliminate TIGER grants. These fund a variety of transportation projects, including rail and Complete Streets projects. Complete Streets is a program designed to ensure that our streets are usable for everyone, including autos, bicyclists, pedestrians, and people who use wheelchairs.

Statewide in Michigan, federal funding accounts for about 20% on average of our public transportation operational funding, and the majority of the funding for new hybrid, low-emission vehicles. If these bills are approved, public transportation, including local dial-a-ride systems and urban line haul service will cease to exist as we know it. Contact your Congressman/woman today and urge her/him to protect

transit funding! For more information contact the American Public Transportation Association at or the Community Transportation Association of America at
