Kalamazoo Transit Proposal Wins Overwhelmingly; Perry also passes; Grand Rapids BRT proposal defeated

Kalamazoo County voters gave a resounding victory to public transportation in Tuesday's election with a 63% approval rating, restoring funding for the system which had lost a countywide vote last November that placed continued operations in jeopardy.

Shiawassee Area Transportation Agency also scored a victory on the ballot in the City of Perry where a first time millage was approved with 54% approval.

The Grand Rapids Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit proposal lost on a 52%-48% vote. The GR proposal would not take effect until the year 2012, but it was tied to continued funding of current operations. Funding for current operations continues to 2013, under a previously passed millage. The Bus Rapid Transit line (BRT) would be the first of its kind in Michigan and would be largely funded through federally earmarked money; however, a guaranteed local match for operations is required for the project to move forward so Tuesday's millage defeat places the BRT project in jeopardy. It is unclear yet whether supporters will attempt another vote to support the BRT. They could place it on the ballot again in 2010.
