New bus route links Ann Arbor to Canton

With all the recent buzz about MagLev trains crisscrossing the nation, and even some talk of stainless steel tracks linking Lansing and Detroit, it would seem that public transit solutions all exist in some far-off shiny future.  The pessimists among us will lament the gigantic infrastructure investments such systems would require.  Even the most optimistic could get discouraged by the costs.  

A story in today's Free Press reminds us that there's a readily available source of public transportation that has many potential uses and low infrastructure requirements. What is this magical mystery mover? Why, a bus of course!  It's a good reminder that although the future may bring some amazing advancements in moving people, the present still offers many untapped options.


The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority is opening a commuter bus route from Canton Township to Ann Arbor that will be ready by the end of the August, an AATA official said today.


Mary Stasiak, manager of community relations for AATA, said the route is a demo park and ride route funded from a $495,000 U.S. Department of Transportation grant that will enable the AATA to guage interest and support for a permanent link between the two communities. 

According to Stasiak and Canton Township Supervisor Philip LaJoy, thousands of western Wayne County residents commute to Ann Arbor for work, including 3,000 residents of Canton, Plymouth and Westland who work at the University of Michigan.

“We think it’s great for the residents here who work in Ann Arbor,” LaJoy said today. 

Full story: 

What do you think?  Do you think this plan will succeed?  Is it worth the costs?  Where else would you like to see buses running?   Leave a comment here and share your opinion.
