
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Fueling Station Planned for Flint

Aug. 30, 2011: MTA - Flint breaks ground on innovative hydrogen-fuel-cell fueling station, becoming one of only two such sites in the nation. Congratulations MTA!

This site will eventually also be a CNG and LPG (compressed natural gas and liquid propane gas) as well as solar-powered electric recharging facility open to the public.

The project is funded by federal and state grants and involves a unique educational partnership between MTA and Kettering University.


Rep. Opsommer pitches a Road Funding Plan

Original story published by Gongwer News Service - 8/22/2011

House Transportation Committee Chair Paul OPSOMMER (R-DeWitt) said he believes he has enough bi-partisan support to push a new plan to divert money from the general fund into road construction, but others have suggested it might take more than that to fix Michigan's transportation systems.

Opsommer wants to divert part of the 6-percent use tax now collected on the sale of gasoline for roads.

"It's got good support informally," he said.



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